Religious & Medical Exemptions
We have received an update regarding the COVID-19 vaccination mandate. We are informing our members of the process because we are unsure if Kaiser will disseminate this information in a timely manner to potentially affected employees, even though they were requested to do so.
Kaiser is in the process of reviewing (and potentially denying) medical exemption requests & previously provisionally approved religious exemption requests.
Upon denial, Kaiser will send a notice to the affected employee via their email and a personal email IF a personal email was provided on HR Connect. The employee’s immediate supervisor will also be notified.
The employee will be given a 5 day grace period from the date on the notice before being put on an unpaid leave.
If the employee wishes to avoid being put on an unpaid leave, the one-dose Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccine should be utilized and vaccination card uploaded before the end of the 5 day grace period.
If the employee wishes to receive the two-dose Moderna or Pfizer vaccine, the employee will be put on an unpaid leave until the 2nd dose is received.
The employee will have until November 30, 2021 or 30 calendar days from the date on the notice*, whichever is later, to be “fully” vaccinated** or will face termination.
*Please note that the 30 days starts from the date on the notice, not the date at which the employee opened the notice.
**Please note that the employee just needs to have had the last dose of the series to be considered “fully” vaccinated. The employee does not have to wait 2 weeks after the final dose of the series to be considered “fully” vaccinated.
As each dose is received, the employee should upload their vaccination card. For example, after the first dose of the Moderna vaccination is received, the employee should upload their vaccination card into HR connect. Then, after the second dose of the Moderna vaccination is received, the employee should upload their vaccination card.
Given the time sensitive nature of receiving these notices, we advise you to make sure you have a personal email in HR connect. Kaiser has stated that these notices are also in the HR connect portal; so, KP recommends that employees who have exemption requests check the HR connect portal every day to ensure that they read this important notice in a timely manner. Given that failure to comply can result in termination, the Guild has requested that there be a HR directive to supervisors to call the affected employee once they read the notification, but Kaiser would not oblige this request and instead made it the employee’s responsibility to ensure that they read these notices immediately.
Employees on Leave
We have been notified that the below letter (only 1st two paragraphs have been typed out below) went out to an employee on leave, who was already vaccinated and submitted proof of vaccination. Kaiser HR leaders said they believe this was a generic letter that went out to everyone on leave, but could not definitively say it was a generic letter. We are following up with Kaiser on this specific case and will update you. In the meantime, if you also received this letter while on leave, but have already been vaccinated and uploaded your proof of vaccination, please double check the HR connect portal and take a screen shot of your approved upload status; feel free to email that screen shot and a picture of your letter to
--Kaiser Permanente Letter--
"Pursuant to our COVID-19 Vaccination for Kaiser Permanente Workforce Members Policy (NATL.HR.057) ("Kaiser Permanente Vaccination Policy"), to remain employed by Kaiser Permenente all employees must comply with the policy by either providing proof of vaccination or having an approved exemption from the vaccination requirement no later than November 30, 2021.
Please understand that being on a leave of absence does not exempt you from the requirement to either provide proof of vaccination or obtain an approved exemption from the vaccination requirement. Failure to comply with the Kaiser Permanente Vaccination Policy on or before November 30, 2021 will impact your employment, including as follows:"