COVID-19 Vaccine Boosters
Kaiser will be updating their policy to include booster shots in their COVID-19 Adverse Reaction Leave (maximum of 8 hours). We were informed that the policy isn’t in effect quite yet, but will be soon. Also, when it does take effect, they “will allow retroactivity for the benefit beginning on November 19th.”
When we were provided the draft policy to review, it did require the employee to provide a note by their provider of the adverse reaction to receive the benefit.
COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate
Kaiser intends to issue all denial letters (for religious and medical exemptions) by the end of this week. However, Kaiser has not been able to meet some of their self appointed deadlines and the issuance may potentially be through next week (or even the next). In any case, all persons denied will be given 5 days from the date on the notice before being placed on an unpaid leave & 30 days from the date on the notice to come into compliance with Kaiser's vaccine mandate.
Boosters are NOT mandated.