Information may change as this is a rapidly evolving situation. We will update you as we find out more information.
Q: My manager informed me that I am on a “no response” list and must test, but I already uploaded my COVID-19 vaccination card.
A: The Employer has informed the Guild that there may be a lag time from the time at which you uploaded your card and when the Employer receives notification that you uploaded your card. During this lag time, your name will appear on the “no response” list for employees who must be tested. However, upper leadership has informed the Guild that they are taking a “believe me” approach to this. Let your manager know that you have already uploaded your COVID-19 vaccination card; if after 3 days your name still appears on the “no response” list, you must test on the 4th day.
The Employer states that they are paying overtime to their staff to get these validated as fast as possible. Their goal is a 3-5 day turnaround time.
Q: If I refuse to test, what will happen to me?
A: The process laid out by the Employer is as follows:
First, your manager and/or HR will have an “interactive” meeting with you and give you 48 hours to come into compliance. If after 48 hours you still refuse to test, the Employer is planning for immediate termination.
The Guild does not agree with an immediate termination and has demanded to bargain over this.
Q: How will those who refuse to vaccinate (and do not qualify for a religious or medical exemption) be notified of being put on an unpaid leave?
A: The Employer stated that they are still working out the exact process.
Q: If I am placed on an unpaid leave and/or terminated, will the Employer contest if I apply for unemployment?
A: The Employer was not able to answer this question at this time, but the KP leaders on the call will escalate to find out the answer.
Q: I requested a religious or medical exemption, but I still have not heard anything.
A: As of August 25, 2021, the Employer knows of approximately 2,400 members who have requested a religious or medical exemption. The Employer states that their HR team and legal is working hard to validate these exemptions; once an exemption is validated and approved, you should get an email notifying you of this. If the Employer has any further questions about your exemption request, the HR team will reach out to you.
Q: Do I really have to give information about my religion to obtain a religious exemption?
A: The Employer has stated that if they cannot validate your exemption based on the information you have given them, they will reach out to you for more information. To ensure the HR representatives are following all laws, they have informed the Guild that the HR representatives will be working very closely with their legal team.