Please click on the link "ELECTION 2018 PAGE" above.
The term of office for the current Guild Executive Board (GEB) expires on April 30, 2018. An election will take place in April 2018. The new Executive Board Members will serve from May 1, 2018 to April 30, 2021.
Nominations to serve on the GEB are now open and will be accepted from February 12, 2018 through March 12, 2018
You will find the official nomination form and constitutional requirements pertaining to the GEB election available for download there.
Nominations must be submitted by a member in good standing and filed with the Election Committee. Self-nomination is permitted. The nominating committee will announce the list of candidates in March 2018.
Candidate bios will be posted on the Guild website at a later date and more information about the voting process will be sent prior to the start of voting.
If you have any questions, please contact the Guild office at (818) 992-0475 or email