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Important Updates on Payment Issues and Telecommuting - Spring 2023

Writer's picture: GFPPGFPP

Northern California Guild Members,

Following are updates to four issues that many have been asking about:


Kaiser Permanente is participating in California’s Hospital and Skilled Nursing Facility COVID-19 Retention Payment Program (CA Retention Payment Program). Currently the Employer does not have details of the anticipated dollar amount and date of payout for the CA Retention Payment Program. Payout will most likely occur in the second quarter. $500 is paid to union-represented employees who do not qualify for the state program. A union member will not be paid both, that is, $500 plus retention payment.

INCENTIVE BONUS (Leadership message attachment below)

Local managers have sent email notifications to employees regarding no incentive bonus payout for Guild members. The Employer has confirmed that we will not receive the Incentive bonus. It is up to the Employer to determine the inclusion of Guild members in the Incentive Bonus payout (different from CA Retention Payment Program). According to contract provision in the Collective Bargaining Agreement below, the metric goals are expressly and solely determined by the Employer annually and bonus amounts are awarded based on successful metric scores for each NCAL service area. The Employer sets the parameters and criteria of the Incentive Bonus inclusion and eligible payout. The Guild has already requested the release of the metrics results for each service area and the Employer is not currently in a position to agree to release the data.


The Employer shall have the right, but not the obligation, during the term of the Agreement to implement an incentive plan based on Health Plan member satisfaction with pharmacy services and the attainment of operational goals. The Guild agrees that the Employer shall have the sole and exclusive rights as set out below, and that said rights and the exercise of said rights shall not be subject to the Disputes Procedure.

¨ To determine the scope of incentive coverage.

¨ To develop, maintain and administer the incentive plan.

¨ To modify, amend or cancel the incentive plan at any time.

¨ Effective 2022, maximum payout of $3,000 per pharmacist per year.


The Guild has informed the Employer that there has been a delay in eligible Guild members receiving the 3% Employer Matching, effective 1/1/2023. The Employer has not provided a response for the number of missing days of matching in 2023. The increase in Employer match appears on the bottom of your 3/3/2023 payslip under Employer Paid Benefits 401k ER Match.

1428 Pharmacists who are not participants in the KPEPP: Employer will match 100% of a pharmacist’s contribution, up to 3% of the pharmacist’s eligible earnings. If a pharmacist contributes at least 3% of annual eligible earnings during the year, the Employer will make additional matching contribution after the end of the year, to ensure that the pharmacist receives a full 3% of annual eligible pay in matching contributions for that year, provided the pharmacist remained employed by the Employer through December 31 of the applicable year.


The Guild and the Employer will engage in effects bargaining for the National Telecommuting Policy. The policy will affect primarily the NCAL AmCare and CSIP Inpatient Guild RPHS who are currently performing temporary remote work. The Guild sent out a mass email on 3/10/23 to have a designated Guild RPH in each NCAL Service Area to communicate with the Guild representatives and provide input and feedback.

Telecommuting Letter of Understanding

Within 30 days of when the Employer revises its National Telecommuting policy the Employer will notify the Pharmacy Guild of such revisions. It is understood by the parties that the National Telecommuting policy will apply to employees within the Guild’s bargaining unit. Upon notification, the parties will engage in effects bargaining regarding the application of the policy to the Pharmacy Guild’s bargaining unit.

The Guild and the Employer agree that the employees within the Guild bargaining unit will receive at least the same rights and benefits under the National Telecommuting policy as those negotiated with other Northern California bargaining units. However, the parties understand that any terms which violate any California State Board of Pharmacy rules are not applicable to the Guild bargaining unit.

This Letter of Understanding will remain in effect for the duration of this current Collective Bargaining Agreement.

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