Management’s decision to proceed with this RIF continues to have significant negative consequences to our workgroups and patients. As of today, 3 folks have made their job change selection. Thirteen folks remain on the “impacted list” and will in turn continue to make their elections resulting in other pharmacists being bumped. If you were hired prior to March 2009, you are no longer at risk of being bumped.
It is important for us all to recognize how especially difficult the RIF is for our colleagues who are being forced to change roles. Their sense of loss from leaving their workgroup and patients, their anxiety over having to make a decision they know will in turn disrupt someone else’s life, and the work of rearranging their personal and professional life is overwhelming. For the rest of us who may not be directly asked to change roles, we too are experiencing loss and additional stressors. This can bring out the best and worst in anyone. I encourage you when you feel mad/scared/tired/angry/overwhelmed – reach out to talk to one of your colleagues. I know we all want to be there for each other – as we always have been in the past.
Don’t hesitate to reach out to ask questions and share your concerns.
Guild Leadership Team